A message from the CEO
Ross Pambrun is currently studying Artificial Intelligence – Machine learning and implication for business at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of technology), and Harvard OVPL Cybersecurity – Managing Risk. He recently completed ‘Ethics in A.I.’ through University of Helsinki. His satellite monitoring team focus on cyber innovation mainly in environmental monitoring strategies and solutions. They combine up to date satellite imagery with machine learning to produce sharp resolution multi spectral image reporting. They also provide business conversation and enable corporate partnerships. The Memphis Group has won 2023 Innovation awards for their science in protecting values-at-risk.
A professional speaker, Ross ‘MEMPHIS’ Pambrun was asked to join the Speakers Bureau of Canada and speaks internationally about Artificial intelligence. From Awareness, application, ethics and bias, Ross is invited to share his presentations and knowledge of the direction of artificial intelligence. As a Métis business leader, Ross also talks about his Indigenous connections through his successful talk, Understanding (?) Indigenous.
A passion for science, Ross is the Emeritus Chief Science Officer for the Calgary Firefighters Burn Treatment Society and has been with that successful agency for nearly 21 years. A professional Fire Captain for 23 years, his background in science and fire lends well to combining new approaches in the Fire Science of Satellite monitoring.
Previous owner of a successful health corporation, Ross has a background in energy and academic health that compliments his role in developing business relationships within community Infrastructure protection projects & environmental management. His team role in principal development extends into cyber-innovation and software development. His connection within the Indigenous Community has been noted with Entrepreneurship Awards and repeated connections within the business community. Learn more about Ross at “The Squeaky Wheel” that connects him with citizens and community partners.
“I’m very fortunate to bring well educated like-minded team members into every conversation. Our team approach works and our proven science technique is well respected. And really….who doesn’t love talking Satellites and Space?” Ross Pambrun